Leader of the Month Announced: Lorena Cerda, BSN, RN, CPPS

Our Leader of the Month Award goes to Lorena Cerda, BSN, RN, CPPS, Director of Quality and Patient Safety. Lorena has played an instrumental role in a number of key processes throughout the pandemic. She has spearheaded SVMC’s COVID vaccine clinics, supported the ever-changing staff quarantine and testing requirements for the organization, worked in the COVID-19 Command Center, and implemented a new event reporting system.

In the last year, Lorena was promoted to Director of Quality and Patient Safety, a role that entails oversight of our Quality, Patient Experience, and Employee Health Services Departments. She is a fierce patient and staff advocate who never compromises on what is right and just.

Aside from her tenacity and dedication at work, Lorena also finds time to give back to the community. She often visits with neighbors to make sure they have what they need during this pandemic, takes them to run errands, and provides company to those that are isolated during this time.

We thank Lorena for her commitment to Sierra View's values of Compassion, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity, and Respect. Learn more about SVMC.