Internal Medicine Residency

About the Program

The Sierra View Medical Center Internal Residency Program, offered through the Graduate Medical Education Program, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Our fully accredited curriculum builds competence through several skillsets and establishes lifelong learning habits that prepare residents for success.

Our program is based on two themes: patient care and career development. We want our residents to become superb clinicians. We have an outstanding and dedicated group of faculty enriched in a culture that fosters and promotes a positive learning environment that will do just that.

A Message from Paul Watanakunakorn MD, Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency

Thank you for your interest in our newly established and accredited community based internal medicine residency program. At Sierra View Medical Center, real-life, evidence-based medicine is practiced with an emphasis on strengthening the quality of life with compassion, collaboration, accountability, integrity and respect. Our patients come from all walks of life and a diversity of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds, and they present with a wide variety of disease processes, including conditions unique to the Central Valley of California. For our learners, this exposure facilitates not only the accumulation of medical knowledge but also the honing of interpersonal and communication skills essential to the effective practice of medicine. Emphasis on a multidisciplinary team approach and maintenance of a collegial atmosphere with peers, ancillary staff, attending physicians, and other services further enhances the learning experience.

In the first year of training, emphasis is on basic skills and rapid accumulation of medical knowledge needed to practice or lay the foundation for fellowship while also giving exposure to outpatient primary care. During the second year it is expected that the learner will gain confidence and skills needed for minimally supervised to independent practice and assume a basic supervisory and teaching role with medical students and PGY1 residents. During the third year, fine tuning of ICU skills including the management of complex, unstable patients and a consultative role is expected along with more advanced supervision of earlier learners. Expect lively discussions at bedside and in conference and expect to be challenged!

Learners can hone their leadership and academic skills by becoming a member of one of our many hospital committees or by participating in local, regional, or national meetings presenting their own research project or an interesting case report. We have a robust mentorship and coaching program with enthusiastic mentors to help our learners plan the direction of their future careers, and to support our residents as they face personal stressors or career-related challenges.

We welcome you to find out more and to join us!

Paul Watanakunakorn MD, Program Director

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